How to Record In- or Ex-ternal Audio on PC/Mac [6 BEST TOOLS]

Bianca Willis Bianca Willis Updated on Sep 23 , 2024 Tag:

Summary: From this post, you will learn how to record audio on computer, including what you hear or speak, with the best audio recording software for computer.

We do not always record screen videos because we sometimes only need to capture the audio alone.For example, you might find a game, music, or teaching video online with an elegant melody or informative narration. You may want to save only the soundtrack without the image. If you’re preparing for a dub or similar project, you might only need to record the audio from the speaker. Sometimes, you may need to record both computer speaker audio and external microphone sound simultaneously for a specific purpose.

record audio on pc/mac with best audio recorder

In view of this, this article will teach you how to record internal and/or external sound on your computer.
It will also cover the best audio recording software for different user needs.

Besides dedicated audio recorders, many multimedia software like media players and screen recorders also have audio recording features. The list of the best six audio recorders for computers includes tools from all three types.

If you’re inclined to easy audio recorder with simple recording operation, please go ahead to #1 RecMaster, #2 VLC and #4 Audio Recorder. If your target is a pure audio recorder that gives more controls of the audio, please navigate to #3 Audacity, #5 Stereo Mix and #6 QuickTime Player.


Six Best Screen Audio Recorder for Computer

1. RecMaster – A multi-featured screen recorder with recording audio only option

OS: Windows & Mac
Official Site:

free download RecMaster for Windows free download RecMaster for Mac

Audio is surely a file type displaying on the computer screen, so common screen recorders are designed with the capacity to grab it while recording the screen video. However, most of those screen recorders don’t feature recording audio only while RecMaster is one of the exceptions. If you are looking for an easy screen audio or voice recorder and you also need to do some video capture, RecMaster is the top choice. Now free download it to record high-quality MP3/WAV audio from online content or your performance at defined volume.

RecMaster Records Audio on Computer

Related Guide: How to Record MP3/WAV Audio on Windows 10

2. VLC – A free media player that enables audio recording

OS: Windows & Mac
Official Download:

VLC, as a versatile player, is able to do many things except perfect playing the media files. And recording audio is just one of its hidden functions. Once you click “Open Capture Device,” go to the DirectShow capture mode under the Capture Device section. You can disable the video device and choose any audio device to capture. You can output the file in OGG, MP3, FLAC, or CD format.

Make sure to set your preferred format under the Convert profile. In addition, VLC can extract audio from any input source as a single file, including local video files, DVDs, CDs, and online streamings. (>>Screen recording DVD/CD)

VLC records audio on computer

Related Source: VLC Capture Screen Guide | [WikiHow] Record Audio with VLC

3. Audacity – The No.1 open source audio recorder and editor

OS: Windows & Mac & Linux
Official Download:

Audacity is such a powerful entity that it’s highly praised by a large number of users and editors for recording and editing audio on computer at no cost. With it, you can take any system and microphone sound recording, edit the recorded audio by cutting, removing noise, adding effects, etc., and mix multiple audio tracks into a single one in clicks. If the preloaded audio effects don’t fulfill your needs, you can expand the tool with plug-ins. Seems equal of many paid-for programs, isn’t it? That’s exactly why many customers use it to start their podcast or music capture journey.

Audacity Records Audio on Computer

Unlike many other open source software, Audacity provides an official manual to assist newcomers to get on board with the product quickly.

4. Audio Recorder – The easiest audio recorder for Windows 10

OS: Windows 10
Official Download (if your system doesn’t have it):

Microsoft has improved its latest computer system a lot. To meet various recording needs, Windows 10 includes many video recording features. These features include the Xbox Game Bar/DVR, a webcam-enabled Camera app, and an independent voice recorder.The last voice recorder, according to the store description, makes it a breeze to “record (microphone) sounds, lectures, interviews, and other events” into M4A format. Also, you can add the marker to crucial moments as you record, trim the clip and share it to contacts, email, and Skype.

Windows Voice Recorder Records Sound

Hot Related: How to Record Internal Audio from Windows 10

5. Stereo Mix – An audio recording helper to mix and display all sounds on Windows

OS: Windows
Download: No

The recorder software may get a failure when grabbing some audio sources. That’s where Stereo Mix – a specific function of some sound cards – comes in. When you enabled it under Sound -> Recording settings like shown in the screenshot, you can record whatever sound appearing on the computer by coupling it with any third-party software. But the fact is due to copyright and pirate issue, Stereo Mix is abandoned by most audio cards. That’s why many Windows (10) users complain their Stereo Mix option becomes missing after the system or driver update. In this case, the only way to fix it is to go back to an elder driver or system…

Strero Mix Recording Feature

Related Source: How to Enable “Stereo Mix” in Windows and Record Audio from Your PC

6. QuickTime Player – A handy audio recorder for macOS

OS: Mac OS X
Download: No

Similar to VLC, QuickTime player can also act as voice recorder for Mac. However, it only allows you to record voice from your Mac’s built-in mic. It is problematic for capturing internal audio from computer programs, such as browser videos and app sounds. To fix this screen recording has no sound matter, a system extension called Soundflower is created and released on Github (download the latest Soundflower 2.0b2 here). With the help of it, you can input all audio sources into QuickTime and record the system sound directly.

Record Screen Sound with QuickTime and Soundflower on Mac

Source: QuickTime Player Screen Recording Guide on Mac | Instruction on how to record audio using QuickTime + Soundflower

Start Your Audio Recording!

Now you have finished the reading on top 6 screen audio recorder for Windows and Mac computer. You can choose either option based on your system and actual needs. Then, you can effortlessly capture audio coming from the system or your voice via the mic.

Internal Audio Recorder
Three Admirable Ways to Record Audio from Computer

RecMaster – Record Every Moment on Your Computer Screen

RecMaster – Record Every Moment on Your Computer Screen

Multiple recording modes make it easy to capture anything on screen.

Record 1080p or even 4K clips at 60fps to maintain the high quality still.

Flexible settings for mouse cursor effects, watermark and annotations.

Preloaded with recording scheduler, video editor. Allow one-click sharing.

Home / How-to / How to Screen Record without Showing the Screen Recorder?

Bianca Willis

Bianca Willis

Bianca Willis started her copywriting career since 2014. As a tech editor with over 6 years writing experience, she has worked out hundreds of posts on multi-media solutions (video recording included), hot gadgets and troubleshooting tips.

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